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Our Repair Services Forms

Please send the completed form to info@plcmerkezi.com.tr

Commercial Registration Form
Defect Information Form

Information About ARO Servo Motor Repair

As PLC Center, we are repairing ARO Servo Motor. Our main goal in our repair department is to test all the products we repair and to ship the working products to our customers. By testing the products we repair, we reduce the troubles and time losses that our customers will experience after the repair to minimum levels.

2nd Hand Sale

You can request a second hand product from our company in order to eliminate long-term stoppages due to malfunctions that may occur in your business. All our second hand sales are refurbished, boxed products and are guaranteed for 1 year.

General Tests

In order for you, our valued customers, not to have any problems while using the product, we test and repair on our existing test systems at every stage. The product that does not pass the test is never sent back without user approval.

Warranty Period

Our repairs are covered by the warranty. If there is any problem with the product during the warranty period, we repair it free of charge.

    Repair Application Form

    Name Surname*

    E-mail Address*

    Which repair do you want to apply for? *

    Your Message(Optional)
