Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Our Repair Services Forms

Please send the completed form to info@plcmerkezi.com.tr

Commercial Registration Form
Defect Information Form

Driver Repair

As PLC Center, we repair drivers with warranty. With our experience in driver repair, we offer you fast, high quality and economical solutions in the short term. The repairs we make are within the scope of warranty. If there is any problem with the product during the warranty period, we repair it free of charge.

PLC Central Repair Operation

The product that comes to the company is registered.

The cargo is opened under the camera and the product is photographed.

Preliminary examination

The product that comes to our company is taken to the test system for preliminary examination, a full fault detection is made and it is checked whether the current fault is similar to the customer complaint.,

  Confirmation / Return

  Repair process is started only for approved repair offers, no action is taken regarding unapproved repair offers.

If not approved, the product is sent back to the company.


After the approval process of the offer is completed, the repair process of the device begins.

No repair fee is charged for products that cannot be repaired.


If the repaired product is a testable product, it is tested in the test system.

After successfully passing the test, the “TESTED” label is affixed on the product.


Your ready-to-ship products are packed with advanced packaging technology and sent to you.

Material Supply;

The products that are required during the repair and that are not available in Turkey are imported and stocked in our company. With the strong electronic material stock, our customers’ waiting times due to material supply are minimized.

Power Modules Replacement

We repair and replace power modules.





Contactor, Relay and Transmitter Unit Replacement

We do contactor relay and transfer unit replacement, repair and replacement that damage the faulty system. Thanks to our strong stock, we offer you fast and quality solutions by minimizing the material waiting time.

Thermal Paste and Heat Paste Regeneration

We are doing the end of life and thermal paste and heat paste renewal process

Fan Change

We repair and replace the fans that do not perform their duty or expire in your drive.

Cooler Cleaning

If the cooling process of your drive is not done properly, it may cause permanent damage and poor performance.

Electronic Card Repair and Component replacement


-General Care and Cleaning

-Environmental Insulation Coating (IP)

Driver Care

Driver maintenance is divided into two

Elektronik Bakım;

Sürücünün tüm elektronik aksamını kontrol ederek daha sağlıklı ve uzun ömürlü çalışmasını sağlıyoruz

 Program Yedekleme ve Revizyonu;

Sürücü programlarını sizin için yedekliyoruz ve olası bir arızada tekrardan kuruyoruz.
İşletim sistemi hatalarını ayıklıyoruz.
Panelinizin mevcut programında sizin istekleriniz ve işleyişi kolaylaştırmak için program revizyonu yapıyouz.

Sürücü 2.El Satışı

İşletmenizde oluşabilecek sürücü arızalarında uzun süreli duruşları ortadan kaldırmak için firmamızdan ürün ile ilgili 2.EL talepte bulunabilirsiniz. Tüm 2.EL satışlarımız yenileştirilmiş, kutulu ürünler olup 1 YIL garantilidir.

Sürücünün Genel Testleri

Siz değerli müşterilerimizin  ürünü kullanırken sorun yaşamaması için her aşamada mevcut test sistemlerimiz üzerinde test ederek tamir yapıyoruz.

Testten geçemeyen ürün hiçbir şekilde kullanıcı onayı olmadan geri gönderilmez

Garanti Süresi

Yaptığımız tamirler garanti kapsamındadır. Garanti süresinde üründe herhangibir sorun olur ise ücretsiz olarak tamirini gerçekleştiriyoruz.

    Repair Application Form

    Name Surname*

    E-mail Address*

    Which repair do you want to apply for? *

    Your Message(Optional)
